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1  How To / Tips and Tutorials / Getting Started on: June 26, 2009, 01:19:57 PM
When you first log in to your cPanel, there is an introductory Set-Up guide (Getting Started Wizard) that pops up.  Do use it.  It saves a lot of time later, and if you do want to change any of the settings at a later date as you learn your way around, you always can.

If you've already dismissed the Wizard before reading this message, you can always go through it anyway just by choosing it in the Preferences box at the top of your cPanel.

Also, Video Tutorials: When you enter cPanel (x3 theme) of any domain there is now a comprehensive set of video tutorials available for viewing, activated by the mini window that appears when first logging in.

There are also handy cPanel tutorials at the official cPanel site:
Comprehensive cPanel manual: http://www.cpanel.net/support/docs/11/cpanel/
2  General Category / General Discussion / Welcome to VIVidWeb Hosting on: June 26, 2009, 12:51:06 PM
Hello - this is where you can discuss any issues involving your hosting packages, and where staff will post tips and tutorials and users are encouraged to do the same.

I hope we can work together for our mutual benefit.

Viv Smythe
Wyfly Pty Ltd operating as
VIVidWeb Hosting
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