Steers, Kirk. "Replace Your CPU." Pc World. Case, Loyd. "Upgrade Your CPU." Pc World. Kingsley-Hughes, Adrian. "Eight wonderful Pc upgrade ideas." ZD Net. Kessler, Topher. "RAM improve issues for iMac techniques." CNET. Kessler, Topher. "Immediately test your Mac's RAM upgrade." CNET. Cooley, Brian. "The Weekend Project: Adding a second monitor to your Pc - Getting started." CNET. Adding a new video card can vastly improve gaming performance by rising speed and bettering visuals, leading to smoother game play. So long as your pc's cooling fan, the fan on the graphics card itself, and/or your energy supply can handle the speed you choose, overclocking ought to give a modest efficiency boost. But an improve to a newer CPU ought to drastically increase your laptop's velocity and performance. If you are feeling brave, it's also doable to completely replace your pc's central processing unit (CPU). Lone CPUs run from less than $50 into the lots of, and motherboard and CPU combos start at lower than $one hundred and equally go up. Swap a special motherboard into the case. Are the drives linked to the motherboard correctly? Some negatives are that the noise of your fan would possibly tremendously enhance, and that overdoing it might cut back the lifespan of the video card.
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